
14 Dec 2022

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De minimis for Services of General Economic Interest : interested parties invited to comment

Following the publication of the results of the SGEI evaluation launched in 2019, the Commission has launched today a call for evidence to hear the views of all interested parties regarding the review of the SGEI de minimis regulation.

The Commission addresses three issues that stakeholders had highlighted. First, the SGEI de minimis ceiling currently set at EUR 500.000 over a period of three fiscal years and inconsistencies with the general de minimis Regulation, relating amongst other to the concepts of ‘undertaking’ and ‘undertakings in difficulty’. Second, the need to improve the monitoring of the SGEI de minimis Regulation and transparency requirements.

Third, as it did for the general de minimis Regulation, the Commission is considering increasing the current threshold of EUR 500.000 over a period of three fiscal years, to reflect the inflation observed since the entry into force of the current SGEI de minimis Regulation, which exempts small amounts of aid for SGEI from state aid control as they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the EU internal market.

The comments could be posted in the dedicated webpage until 9 January 2023.