
20 Jun 2024

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Commission Investigates Flemish Land Management Support for Potential State Aid Violations

The Commission has launched an in-depth investigation to assess whether public support granted to Flemish land management associations between 2003 and 2018 is in line with EU state aid rules. The investigation follows a complaint alleging that the Flemish Region and its municipalities granted illegal state aid to Natuurpunt Beheer, Limburgs Landschap and Vzw Durme for the purchase of land and the operation of visitor centres in these reserves.

Preliminary findings show that the aid included grants covering up to 100% of the cost of land acquisition and educational activities. In addition, these associations carried out ancillary activities such as selling wood, leasing land and running cafeterias.

The Commission is investigating whether these activities are inextricably linked to their main non-economic nature conservation activities or whether they constitute economic activities and therefore constitute state aid.

The investigation will allow interested parties, including the alleged beneficiaries and the complainant, to submit their comments.

For further information, see the Commission’s Press Release.