
6 Jun 2024

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Commission’s decision on the Spanish fund to support the solvency of strategic Spanish undertakings upheld

On Thursday 6 June 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union dismissed Ryanair's appeal against the decision of the General Court of the European Union, that had confirmed the European Commission's decision on the compatibility of the EUR 1 billion solvency support fund for strategic Spanish undertakings in temporary difficulty following the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this judgement, the Court of Justice endorses the analysis of the General Court, that  had concluded that the aid scheme in question did not infringe the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality and was proportionate.

The Court affirmed that, in view of the exceptional nature of the scheme and the importance of the objectives pursued by it, a fair balance between its beneficial effects and its adverse effects on the internal market was ensured, in the common interest of the Union.

For further information, see judgement