
26 Jun 2024

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Spanish Tax Lease: General Court Upholds Previous Judgement

Today, the General Court delivered its judgement in case Aluminios Cortizo and Cortizo Cartera v Commission (T-1/14). This judgement marks the last development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the “Spanish Tax Lease” (SA.21233).

Given the judgement of 2 February 2023, the General Court has today considered that there is no need to adjudicate on the actions regarding Articles 1 and 4(1) of Commission Decision 2014/200/EU in so far as it designated the economic interest groupings and their investors as the sole beneficiaries of the aid and enjoined the Kingdom of Spain to recover the full amount of the aid from the investors.

For further information, see the General Court’s judgement (only available in French and Spanish at the time of publication).