
29 May 2024

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State aid to hydrogen - Commission Approves Major Hydrogen Project to Propel Green Deal Objectives

The Commission has approved the fourth Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) to promote research, innovation and early industrial deployment in the hydrogen value chain.

This project, known as 'IPCEI Hy2Move', was developed and submitted jointly by seven Member States - Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain. These countries will provide up to €1.4 billion in public funding, which is expected to leverage an additional €3.3 billion in private investment. The project also encompasses 13 innovative initiatives led by eleven companies, aiming to achieve significant advancements in mobility and transport applications, fuel cells, on-board hydrogen storage, and hydrogen production for these sectors. The completion of the overall IPCEI is expected by 2031 with timelines varying in function of the individual projects and the companies involved.

The Commission has confirmed that IPCEI Hy2Move meets the requirements set out in its Communication on Important Projects of common European interest. In particular, the Commission found that the aid provided is carefully calibrated to avoid undue distortions of competition and to match the funding gaps of the projects, and that the knowledge and innovations resulting from IPCEI Hy2Move will be widely disseminated in the European scientific and industrial communities, fostering wider collaborative progress.

For further information, see Commission’s Press Release.