
16 May 2024

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Ten State aid Judgements in Court’s Annual Publication "Selection of Major Judgments"

The Court of Justice of the European Union has published its annual "Selection of major judgments". This comprehensive report provides a concise overview of the most important judgements of the Court of Justice and the General Court of the European Union in 2023.

Each summary in the publication is organised by subject, reflecting the structure of the EU Treaties. Chapter 1 covers the judgements rendered by the Court of Justice and Chapter 2 those of the General Court. Among the notable judgements featured in this year's publication are several landmark state aid rulings:

- Judgement of 12 January 2023, DOBELES HES (C-702/20 and C-17/21), concerning the relationship between national judgements and State aid,

- Judgement of 31 January 2023, Commission v Braesch and Others (C-284/21 P), concerning admissibility,

- Judgement of 5 December 2023, Luxembourg and Others v Commission (C-451/21 P and C-454/21 P), concerning tax rulings,

- Judgement of 14 December 2023, Commission v and Others (C-457/21 P), concerning tax rulings once again,

- Judgement of 10 May 2023, Ryanair and Condor Flugdienst v Commission (Lufthansa; COVID-19) (T-34/21 and T-87/21),

- Judgement of 13 September 2023, ITD and Danske Fragtmænd v Commission (T-525/20) on the public compensation of postal services in Denmark,

- Judgement of 20 September 2023, Belgium v Commission (T-131/16 RENV) and Judgment of 20 September 2023, Magnetrol International and Others v Commission (T-263/16 RENV e.a.) on the Excess Profit Rulings,

- Judgement of 27 September 2023, Banco Santander and Others v Commission (T-12/15, T-158/15 and T-258/15) on the Spanish Goodwill

- Judgement of 20 December 2023, Ryanair and Malta Air v Commission (Air France-KLM and Air France; COVID-19) (T-494/21).

For further information, see the publication.